Engenharia – Consultoria de mitigação de sujeira FOTOVOLTAICA
Nossos serviços ao longo do Ciclo de Vida das Usinas Fotovoltaicas
Engineering – Our services throughout the Solar Plant Life Cycle
Our NextGen PV Soiling consulting services are ideal for asset managers, directors of O&M, or entrepreneurs that are searching for the best way to clean and mitigate PV soiling. Mitigating photovoltaic soiling from design to O&M. NextGen PV soiling mitigation starts in the design phase and continues through the entire solar farm lifecycle.
- Design Phase – Designing for solar panel cleaning brings 30 years of value. Solar panel cleaning is a recurring O&M task. We help PV designers in the design phase so that optimal cleaning becomes a possibility. We help the design team get the drawings right so low-cost solar panel cleaning becomes a reality. We define the solar panel cleaning system with your design team.
- PV soiling mitigation Project Development – PV Cleaning Optimization Modeling
- Bids and Estimates – We create solar panel cleaning estimates so you can get your O&M bids accurate. We create NextGen PV soiling mitigation plans, drawings, and estimates.
- Contract Development and Supplier Management
- KPIs, Analytics, and Reporting

Business Consulting
Our business consulting services are ideal for
- O&M companies wanting to add a new service line
- EPCs that want to get into the O&M business
- Entrepreneurs that want to start a solar panel cleaning company
Learning the business
- Understand the financials
- Get the pricing right
- Get the contracts right
- Get the right equipment
- Learn how to clean solar panels
- Understand the liability

Building Solar Panel Cleaning Teams
As solar grows so does solar panel cleaning. We help companies build out solar panel cleaning teams and maintain them. Solar panel cleaning is challenging work and creating and maintaining successful teams is the challenge. Trained and experienced solar panel cleaners are scarce. Our solar panel cleaning school is a composition of online education and fieldwork.
- Online Educational courses
- Fieldwork
- We teach your staff to clean different installations with different tools
- Large Rooftop
- Solar Farms
- We teach your staff to clean different installations with different tools